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Learn about Hokkaido’s Jomon ruins/day trip course to Sapporo and Chitose

    There are many Jomon ruins close to Hokkaido’s largest city, Sapporo City. Let’s visit museums, learn about the Jomon culture, and then visit world heritage site ruins.。

    *The travel time is an estimated time when traveling by car. Please avoid driving continuously for a long distance and drive safely by resting at roadside rest stops.


    Visit Hokkaido Museum
    Pictures provided by: Hokkaido Museum
    Pictures provided by: Hokkaido Museum

    You can tour in about 30 mins.

    About 10 mins by car

    Visit and tour the Hokkaido Buried Cultural Property Center

    It will take about 30 minutes to tour if it’s just for observation. It will take about 60 minutes if you participate in workshops. Please visit the official website of the Hokkaido Buried cultural property center for the list of workshops.

    About 5 mins by car

    Lunch in Ebetsu City

    Check out the Ebetsu Tourist Association!

    About 40 mins by car

    Visit Eniwa City Local History Museum
    Pictures provided by: Eniwa City Local History Museum
    Pictures provided by: Eniwa City Local History Museum

    You can tour in about 30 mins.

    About 10 mins by car

    Visit and tour Chitose Buried Cultural Property Center
    Pictures provided by: Chitose City Board of Education

    You can tour in about 30 mins.

    About 10 mins by car

    Visit the Kiusu Earthwork Burial Circles

    You can tour in about 30 mins.
