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Hokkaido’s deep history course visiting 7 main Jomon ruins and Upopoy

    You can enjoy workshops in addition to visiting ruins. You can deeply enjoy Jomon culture and visit the popular Upopoy on the way back. This 2-night course lets you experience Jomon culture, Ainu culture, and unique Hokkaido history.


    9:30: Depart Sapporo City

    About 60 mins by car

    10:30-11:00: Visit Chitose Buried Cultural Property Center
    Pictures provided by: Chitose City Board of Education

    About 10 mins by car

    11:10-11:40: Visit Kiusu Earthwork Burial Circles

    About 20 mins by car

    12:00-13:00: Lunch in Chitose City, near Kiusu Stone Circle

    About 90 mins by car

    14:30-16:00: Visit Kitakogane Shell Mound

    About 180 mins by car

    19:00- Stay in Hakodate City

    Day 2

    9:30: Depart Hakodate City

    About 60 mins by car

    10:30-11:00: Visit Kakinoshima ruins

    About 2 mins on foot

    11:02-12:00: Visit and tour Hakodate Jomon Culture Center
    12:10-13:00: Lunch in Hakodate City, near Ofune ruins/Kakinoshima ruins

    About 10 mins by car

    13:10-13:40: Visit Ofune ruins

    About 60 mins by car

    14:40: Mori Town Hall

    About 10 mins by car

    14:50-15:20: Visit Washinoki ruins

    *Washinoki ruins can only be visited when tours are available.
    *Please visit Mori town’s website for details on the tours.

    About 10 mins by car

    15:30-16:00: Visit Mori Town Office for Archaeological Excavation and Research
    Pictures provided by: Mori Town Office for Archaeological Excavation and Research
    Pictures provided by: Mori Town Office for Archaeological Excavation and Research

    About 15 mins by car

    16:15- Stay in Mori Town

    Day 3

    9:00: Depart Mori Town

    About 120 mins by car

    11:00-12:00: Visit Museum of Irie-Takasago Shell Mound
    Pictures provided by: Toyako Town Board of Education
    Pictures provided by: Toyako Town Board of Education

    About 5 mins on foot

    12:05-12:25: Visit Irie Shell Mound

    About 5 mins on foot

    12:30-12:50: Visit Takasago Shell Mound

    About 20 mins by car

    13:10-14:10: Lunch in Toyako Town, near Irie-Takasago Shell Mound

    About 70 mins by car

    15:20-16:30: Visit and tour Upopoy (National Ainu Museum and Park)
    *Pictures are for illustrative purposes.
    Pictures provided by: The Foundation for Ainu Culture
    Pictures provided by: The Foundation for Ainu Culture

    About 90 mins by car

    18:00- Arrive in Sapporo City
